Why choose transcreation for your German website?
Content Translated has become a specialist in transcreation for German and Dutch websites, newsletters, advertisements, blogs, white papers, posts for social media, e-books and email marketing.
If you really want to reach your target group, you need more than just one-to-one translation.
Transcreation is in fact a combination of translation plus copywriting. We don’t merely translate the word-for-word content; in addition, we ‘translate’ the content as a whole, together with all its nuances, tailoring it to your target group and using the right tone of voice in the process. This provides content that helps you achieve your objectives.
extra zin Duits: Warum? Zum Beispiel weil Farben in unterschiedlichen Kulturen
Transcreation requires an understanding of language and culture
Besides knowledge of both languages at a native speaker level, transcreation requires:
- knowledge of the sector, the product, the service, the target group and the objective;
- knowledge of the various cultures, which can differ depending on the country concerned (and even from sector to sector!);
- a feeling for the style of text that’s really going to work
- knowledge of (online) marketing
- time
extra zin duits Es muss beurteilt werden, ob wortgemäßes Über-Setzen
What could Content Translated mean for you?
We work with specialist content creators in Germany and the Netherlands. Clients engage our services when they need something more than just a translation.
By working in partnership with British and French colleagues, we’re also able to deliver English and French-language texts.
Content creators devote time to an in-depth analysis of the product or service, the target group and the objective. If desired, translations can be optimized for search engines (SEO).
Briefing and contact
Being well prepared is half the work. And a briefing is the classic example of this. You can use a briefing to provide information about your organization, a specific description of the type of text you need, and the objective of that text.
Please complete the form developed precisely for that purpose by Content Translated.
Download the briefing form here. An offer can be made immediately on the basis of the briefing.
extra zin voor nederlands en duits met link naar briefing
However, we very much like to be in dialogue with you as well. That way you soon get a clear idea of the options open to you, and we get an immediate idea of the requirements the text must meet. An approach that yields good texts, while saving you time and money.
For further information, please contact us by email, telephone or via Skype.